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“Imagine that you have just been invited to join the board of your favorite nonprofit or, better yet, to chair that board. Then you need to read this book. Many nonprofits fail to realize their lofty aspirations because their boards decide poorly. In this exceptionally engaging book, firmly grounded in both sound scholarship and successful practical experience, Lisa Dahmus explains concretely what you can do to assure that your board’s decisions deliver on the promise that caused you to say ‘Yes’ to your invitation.” -Frank Yates, Professor, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
“I love the tools in the Decision Guide! I read the book and thought about the applicability to the board I currently sit on. I thought the guidance and tools would add much needed rigor and structure to the meetings and overall flow of decision making. The book is written in such a way that it can immediately be applied with ease. It is a very good resource for boards.” -Carla Cain, Director, Human Resources, DuPont Pioneer
“What I like most is the balance and blend of the Decision Guide. It highlights a few critical issues and then cycles through examples and tools related to each issue. It really worked well for me. I could put this book into the hands of a few friends who would benefit from it right away.” -Tom Penningroth, Change Management Coach, DuPont
“What a useful book! I serve on several boards and have a busy lifestyle, so I was excited to find that the Decision Guide was a quick read with lots of applicable information. I love the real-life, down-to-earth examples and am VERY grateful for the charts- so helpful!” -Vicki Tillman, Mount Sophia Academy